COST: $430 / Goaltenders 50% OFF
12 Skates / 11-Game Guarantee:
All players will participate in an evaluation skate (on April 17 or 18) so that teams can be formed.
10-game Regular Season (15-minute stop-time periods). Games will be played on Thursday/Friday and Sunday of most weeks.
All teams will make the playoffs (June 6-8). Playoffs will be a single-loss elimination format.
No Games will be scheduled on Easter, Mother’s Day, or the Sunday before Memorial Day.
Play with Friends
Although players will be evaluated to ensure a competitive level across the league; we will do our best to honor requests for friends to play together. Please indicate during your registration if you would like to play on the same team as a friend and/or a specific high school group. NOTE: ALL players requesting to play together MUST attend the scheduled evaluation skate.
Level of Play
Players from Michigan Girls High School Hockey League (MGHSHL), Tier 2 and Tier 3 are all welcome! Girls with Tier 1 experience will need to obtain an approval to play prior to registration.
Players will be provided with a team jersey prior to the first game
Registration Deadline – April 4, 2025
Full payment is due with registration. No Refunds will be offered after April 4. Prior to that time, there will be a $35 fee on all cancelations. A $40 fee will be assessed for all NSF checks.
Volunteer coaches will be coaching the teams, and are pivotal to the success of the league! To volunteer as a coach, please register online as “Volunteer Coach”. Coaches will be asked to attend the evaluation skates to assist in the evaluation process. Once teams are assigned, coaches will be notified of their team rosters and game schedule.
TeamSnap & Game Sheet
We will be utilizing the “TeamSnap” mobile-friendly app for communication and scheduling; games and standings will be scored using GameSheet.
Kira Centala - kcentala@suburbanice.com